Slumber's Gold

Made as part of Trijam #309: The three hour game jam

Took 2 hours 37 minutes 23 seconds to make.

Once Upon a Time...

... the King of Greed had enough, and put a bounty on Slumber (the realms most wealthy Dragon)! Whoever slays the Dragon would receive wealth beyond measure, and most importantly: the hand of his 16th eldest daughter, making you only 104th in line for the crown itself!

You've seen this bounty. You know where the Dragon lives, where to toils, where he slumbers, and, most importantly... you know where he hides his gold!

Forget the King of Greed, his ugly daughter, his suicidal quest, and his pitiful bounty... and go for the Gold!

How to Play

The goal is to enter Slumber's Cave, and, without getting caught... Steal us much of his Gold as you can!

Be picky... Maybe you should only take the big piles of gold, and not waste your time making extra noise picking up chump change? If I were you, I'd skip the individual pennies and nickles, and focus on only the largest Piles of Gold!

Rumor has it: as you advance further in the cave, his piles of gold get larger and Larger!

However, every coin you pick up will make noise... make too much noise, and you'll wake up the Dragon! It's not too late though: Once he's awake, you can still make a break for the exit! But ohh no, you're pouch is so full, so heavy...  and... ohh no! You let a bag slip! And ohh no, coins are fumbling and jossinly out of your pockets!

After hastly leaving the cave, you'll find up to half of your collected gold missing... It might be better to sneak out while he's asleep, rather than be forced to leave any of your collected gold behind.

Difficult decisions...

No, it's more than this, this is a quest full of....

Dangerous Choices

GenrePuzzle, Adventure
Made withAseprite, Godot
TagsDragons, Pixel Art
Average sessionA few seconds

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